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Ending the Rape Culture  #Sexual violence
Ending the Rape Culture #Sexual violence

Twelve ways to end the rape culture

Global Rights, ,

advocacy legal-processes-and-support prevention-and-safety
Factsheet for Sexual Assault Survivors
Factsheet for Sexual Assault Survivors

What to do if you have been Sexually Assaulted

Global Rights,

legal-processes-and-support prevention-and-safety
July 2019 NOI Report on Rape in Nigeria
July 2019 NOI Report on Rape in Nigeria

A new public opinion poll conducted by NOIPolls in the week commencing July 8th, 2019 has revealed that most Nigerians (85 percent) believe that the issue of rape is prevalent in the country.

NOIPolls Limited

Summary of laws impacting sexual violence in Nigeria
Summary of laws impacting sexual violence in Nigeria

The provisions of this section imply that rape is not limited to the penetration of the vagina by the penis but include penetration of the anus and of the mouth by the penis, as well as penetration of any other orifice/opening in the body by any other part of a person’s body or object.

Global Rights,

advocacy legal-processes-and-support
Where Children Have Experienced Sexual Abuse
Where Children Have Experienced Sexual Abuse

What to do when a Child has been Sexually Abused

Global Rights,

legal-processes-and-support prevention-and-safety